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In 1971, Albert Mehrabian published a book Silent Messages, in which he discussed his research on non-verbal communication.He concluded that prospects based their assessments of credibility on factors other than the words the salesperson spoke---the prospects studied assigned 55 percent of their weight to the speaker's body language and another 38 percent to the tone and music of their voice. The CD-ROM contains Adobe Acrobat files (not hard copies) of key publications of Albert Mehrabian, including his books "Silent Messages" and "Baby Name Report Card," "A Theory of Affiliation," "Your Inner Path to Investment Success," plus his 107-page monograph on emotional intelligence: Mehrabian, A. (2000). Ph.D. in Psychology from Clark University, 1964. Research interests: personality and temperament theory and measurement including comprehensive temperament theory; comprehensive approach to measurement of emotions. Developed personality scales include: Emotional Empathy, Achieving Tendency, Self-Esteem, Optimism, Violence Risk, Dominance (or Mehrabian's experiments. The Mehrabian formula comes from two studies in nonverbal communication carried out by Mehrabian and two colleagues in 1967. To summarize, Mehrabian's studies asked participants to judge the feelings of a speaker by listening to a recording of a single word spoken in different tones of voice. Yes, one single word. a guide to tone indicators Jun 09, 2017 · Albert Mehrabian's key book is Silent Messages, which contains lots of information about non-verbal communications (body language) . Mehrabian, A. (1981) Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth (currently distributed by Albert Mehrabian, email: am@kaaj.com) Albert Mehrabian was born in 1939 to an Armenian family living in Iran.He is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Although he originally trained as an engineer, he is best known for his publications on the relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages.He also constructed a number of psychological measures including the Arousal Seeking Tendency Single File Upload; Presentations (PPT, KEY, PDF) logging in or signing up Albert Mehrabian studies the congruence of verbal and nonverbal messages when people communicate feelings and attitudes such as like-dislike. Mehrabian, A. (1981). Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes . Belmont, C alifornina, USA. Explanations > Behaviors > Understanding body language > Mehrabian's communication study . There is an oft-quoted (and often mis-quoted) study by Albert Mehrabian on how people decide whether they like one another. Silent messages, Wadsworth, California: Belmont. Mehrabian, A. (1972). Nonverbal communication. Aldine-Atherton, Illinois
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