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300 BC Book 'Indica' by Megasthenes Dispels Caste Theories of India. Indica is the book written by Megasthenes, the Greek ambassador to India around 300 BC. The book is lost, but various other authors quote his book. Another book with the same name, Indica by Arrian survives. Note the book is written as a military journal to know the country, hence Megasthenes, E. A. Schwanbeck. Sumptibus Pleimesii Bibliopolae, 1846 - India - 392 pages. 0 Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified . About Google Books Megasthenes's work, Indika , is available to us only through its quoted portions in other works but it is the best source for the India of 2,300 years ago. Megasthenes describes India as a Megasthenes' book remained the fullest account available for the rest of antiquity, as Dihle (1964) showed. When Megasthenes' book was eventually lost cannot be determined. It is possible that Strabo's dismissal of its value contributed to its loss. 98 London: John Murray 1875. 24 MAPS R.A Uzbekistan uD m Tu r k m e n i s t a n a ry a (O THE HISTORICAL SETTING OF MEGASTHENES' INDICA 117 series of tetradrachms the various components of the Indian army (ele- phants, war chariots, and archers) are celebrated in a manner unique in the period.17 No other adversary received the publicity afforded Porus, and the propaganda of the reign made a feature of his courage and magnanimity. Megasthenes' description of India acquired the status of a classic. His book became the primary, and often the only, source for all later imaginings of India, so that even when Rome had been in trading contact with India for two centuries, Pliny was still describing a world essentially as it had been evoked by the Greek author. 1 The observations of the author of the Periplus, and of This book provides a new translation of all the surviving portions of the description of India written by Megasthenes in about 310 BCE, the fullest account of Indian geography, history and customs available to the classical world. The Indica was a pioneering work of ethnography that exemplified a new direction in Hellenistic writing; India was little-known to the Greeks before the expedition Download The Greek Experience of India Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. An exploration of how the Greeks reacted to and interacted with India from the third to first centuries BCE When the Greeks and Macedonians in Alexander's army reached India in 326 BCE, they entered a new world. THE RELIABILITY OF MEGASTHENES. The two most influential writers on India in the ancient world were Megasthenes and Ctesias, of whom the former had spent 3 Particularly in Book II, 1-42. 4 Among the liars about India first place is awarded to Deimachus, 18. THE RELIABILITY OF MEGASTHENES. Megasthenes' India. The Fragments. Book I: Geography and Resources 1. Summary of geography, history and society 2. The Geography of India 3. Geography and dimensions of India 4. The Himalayas ("Caucasus") 5. Controversy on the size of India 6. The size of India again 7. The northern stars 8. Rivers 9. Megasthenes' knowledge of India 10. The river Silas 11. Ancient India As Described by Megasthenes and Arrian: Being a Translation of the Fragments of the Indika of Megasthenes Collected by Dr. Schwanbeck, and of the First Part of the Indika of Arrian. Author: McCrindle, John Watson; Megasthenes. Keywords: Travel India Historical geography Geography. Publisher: Chuckervertty, Chatterjee, Calcutta January 8, 2020 · INDICA OF MEGASTHE
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