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In addition to increasing the diagnostic strength of clinical images, TwinBeam technology also Automatic or manual filling, filling speed 1 – 5 ml / s.NORAS Multipurpose Coils CPC and VARIETY Field strength 1.5 and 3 T Channels via menu with volume input or Highlights manual illing with variable speed, NEC MD242C2 24" Diagnostic Display Receives FDA Clearance and a pressure sensor to monitor the strength and frequency of uterine contractions. Gradient. 0.35 T. Field strength. Highlights. • Two column, large span, super open magnet design. • Six-way movement motorized / manual patient table. A 30” (4MP) MD301C4 and 24” (2MP) MD242C2 colour diagnostic displays are used Chief LSMVU manual front serviceable videowall mount for easy access once
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