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Living Greyhawk characters, as the current rule set removes class guidebook (also known as “builder book”) material from the campaign. These books are. Download this excerpt from the Living Greyhawk Journal today. This article is in PDF format, you'll need the Acrobat Reader from Adobe to view it. Hi! does anyone know the password for the PDF adventures in the living Greyhawk site? I mean, why post them there and allow people to Greyhawk: Folk, Feuds, and Factions (part of The City of Greyhawk Boxed Set)(Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, 2nd ed: Greyhawk Adventures). Based on Living Greyhawk module GEO2-06 by Eric Menge and Diane Hazlett. An IC report to the Midnight Ravens by Hodkin Surefoot:.The G R E Y H A W K campaign depicts a magical land at the crossroads of countless possibilities. The most fantastic of many worlds, Greyhawk's world of Oerth
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