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lineage 2 titan guide interlude
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lineage 2 tyrr dreadnought guide
Hello, I'm playing lineage 2 for quite sometimes and mainly build my toon for PVE. My main is Othell Fortune Seeker DPS and AoE damage for Tyrr Titan ? There are 38 main classes in Lineage II, which differ depending on the race you choose. However, all of the classes Tyrr Dreadnought · Ico1 Skill.png.Tyrr Titan. Melee damage dealers that specialize in the use of two-handed weapons and equip heavy or light armor. Their attack power is very high. Tyrr: TBH you can do Dreadnought or Titan.Dreadnought is the King of AOE farm (the class has 2 more AOE skills/debuffs compared with the other
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