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Description: Train some more before you return to Master Galadrid at Hardin's Academy. (Only characters of level 76 or above may change their occupation to Shillien Templar. Don't abandon the quest until occupation change is complete.) Items: Entity name: Galadrid. Interlude High Five. Alternative Quest Shillien Elder Classes - Dark Elves. Trial of the Pilgrim Testimony of Fate Test of the Healer. Trial of the Pilgrim. Level: 35+ Race: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc Class: Cleric, Elven Oracle, Shillien Oracle, Orc Shaman Rewards: 1 258 250, 81 606, 229 298, Mark of Pilgrim, Dimensional Diamond; — 49; Speak with Hermit Santiago in Orc Barracks Lineage Forum Rpg: Items lineage 2 official lineage group. Lineage Forum Rpg: Items lineage interlude Welcome, Guest L2 High Five Guide. Pages: [1] Eva's Templar 83 Icon 45kk Flame Hawk Saggi 83 25kk Vesper Avenger 120kk Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment. Shield of Faith Lv. 1. SP x60.000.000. Protection of Rune Lv. 1. Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune. Iron Shield Lv. 1. SP x60.000.000. Anti Magic Armor Lv. 1. Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic Armor. L2Age servidor privado de Lineage II High Five rate baixa. Sem lag, sem bots e sem wipes! Staff com 10 anos de experiência. Venha conosco e divirta-se! Regras. Informações. Downloads. Ranking. Painel de Controle. Contato. L2Age - High Five Faris 20x. On-Line. LordsBR - Classic Interlude 50x. On-Line. Language / Idioma: Criar Conta Fazer Cubic Mastery - Shillien Templar L2WIKI.COM about Lineage 2 with love info@l2central.info. Sections. L2048 Game; Wallpapers; Show game data on your site; Databases. Russian: Lineage 2; Classic; Essence; Archive English: Lineage 2; Classic Lineage Forum Rpg: Shillien Templar armor question l2 phoenix Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Did you miss your activation email? Username : Password : October 02, 2021, 03:03:13 PM FULL KAMALOKA GUIDE l2 high five info. Pages: [1] Go Down « previous next Here you can find a full list of all Forgotten Scrolls and Amulets used by all classes in Lineage 2. Included are both pre-76 level scrolls and amulets, as well as 80+ level scrolls. Shillien Templar, Spectral Dancer, Ghost Hunter, Ghost Sentinel. Orc: Titan, Ultimate Warlord Guide v2.0 Released - Updated to High Five - One Week lineage 2 classic shillien knight guide shillien templar lineage 2 revolution lineage 2 shillien knight guide 19 Nov 2014 MaxCheaters.com | Lineage 2 Development Marketplace Bots and Cheats Hi, I play x15 server with retail time buffs i am Shillient Templar and i dont know 26 Sep 2013 Popis: Nejsilnejsi tank Temnych elfu, vylepseny Shillien Knight.
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