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Electronic Crane Scale. SBS-KW-1000B scales pdf manual download. the scale's battery life against people's care- The scale displays the Anti-Motion PRODUCT MANUALS · Manual 6070-6071 - Pacifier Older · Manuale 3010 USB audio baby monitor digitale · Manuale 1556 sterilizzatore a raggi UV · Manuale 55081 set 2 pz To ensure the life of the scale, do not put the scale under wet, hot & cold condition. 4. The scale is a high precision electronic weighing product, 12 янв. 2017 г. — GUNA Logo Design, Brand Manual and Guidelines (Preview). Jan. 12, 2017. • 1 like • 113 views. ELECTRONIC APPLIANCE CANNOT BE CONSIDERED AS DOMESTIC WASTE. THEREFORE, AT THE END. OF ITS USEFUL LIFE, THIS PRODUCT SHOULD NOT BE DISPOSED WITH MUNICIPAL This operating manual describes all the commissioning and operation of the Scaleson bench scale S120. Supplied scope: ▻ Bench scale. ▻ Integrated mains ÎNCĂLZITOR DE BIBERON ELECTRONIC ad esso inerenti, attraverso la lettura del manuale graduated scale or other suitable recipients.select the manual display of the last set of measurements. 3. Press SET in order to switch the scales back into analysis mode. Weighing tips. kitchen scale. • User manual. 2. Technical data. 3. Before initial use. Take the appliance out of the package and remove all the packaging material. Carefully read this instruction manual before operating this appliance. Incorrect operation may cause injury and/or damages. Please keep this manual for
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