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Now that Krautrocksampler is going out of publication, will you update the new version and include more album reviews? (Mosh). When I wrote the book,KRAUTROCK SAMPLER: Top 50 Albums compiled by writer Julian Cope · 1.Amon Düül · Paradieswärts Düül (1970) · 2.Amon Düül II · Phallus Dei (1969) · 3.Amon Düül II. Krautrocksampler: Top 50 Albums compiled by Julian Cope · 1. Amon Düül - Paradieswärts Düül · 2. Amon Düül II - Phallus Dei · 3. Amon Düül II - Yeti · 4. Amon Düül Krautrocksampler: One Head's Guide to the Great Kosmische Musik - 1968 Onwards, written by the musician and writer Julian Cope, is a book describing the Krautrocksampler : Petit Guide D'initiation à La Grande Kosmische Musik by Julian Cope and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles
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