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Operation Manual. Model KP310V1.0. V A. RUN. kipor.com. Version No.:KP310.1.1.0. July 20th, 2011. KP310V1.0 Controller Operation Manual. Index 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Brief Introduction The KP310V1.0 controller has the function of manual/remote start and stop genset, data measurement, alarm and KP310V1.0 Controller Operation Manual 1. Brief Introduction The KP310V1.0 controller has the function of manual/remote start and stop genset, data measurement, GU310A Genset intelligent controller can modify the control procedure and protection parameters of generator, completely meet requirements of Genset auto start,Kp310 v1.0 intelligent controller is used to control the start and stop of a single generator set and monitor the operation status of the unit. The function of this controller contains manual turning on/off, remote operation, data measurement, alarm protection and so on.It displays working status KP310.1.1.0. July 20th, 2011. Page 2. KP310V1.0 Controller Operation Manual The KP310V1.0 controller has the function of manual/remote start and stop
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