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View online(56 pages) or download PDF(878.29 kB) Klein Tools MM400 600V Auto-Ranging Digital Multimeter Instructions • MM400 measuring, testing & control Multimeter measures up to 600V AC/DC voltage, 10A DC current and 2MΩ resistance. Includes test leads, batteries, thermocouple, and user manual.The MM400 from Klein Tools, part of the MM400 series of multimeters, features a max current of 10A AC and 10A DC and a max voltage of 600V AC and 0.0006V DC. We have 2 Klein Tools MM400 manuals available for free PDF download: Instruction Manual. Klein Tools MM400 Instruction Manual (56 pages). Klein Tools MM400 Klein Tools Auto Ranging Digital Multi Meter MM400206517333 download pdf instruction manual and user guide. Klein Tools MM400 is an auto-ranging multimeter that measures AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, and resistance. It can also measure temperature,.
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