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jmp,3000h is a type of ______________ instruction
return instruction in 8085
jump instruction example
conditional and unconditional jump instructions in 8085unconditional jump instructions in 8086
call instruction in 8085
unconditional jump instructions in 8085
jump instruction in 8086
Jump Instruction, JMP, JC, JNC, JP, JM, JZ, JNZ, JPE, JPO · 1. JMP: - (unconditionally jump) The program sequence is transferred to the memory location specified When the [code ]Jump condition[/code] is not satisfied, the cycles are 1. [code ]Opcode fetch (4 T states)[/code] 2. [code ]Memory read (3 T states)[/code]1. JMP (address) :- This instruction jumps unconditionally to the specified address. 2. JZ (address) :- This instruction tests the zero flag bit Branch instructions allow the microprocessor to change the sequence of the program, either unconditionally or under certain conditions.
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