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As of Aug 19, 2022, the average annual pay for an Instructional Technologist in the United States is $69,108 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary The average pay for an Instructional Technology Specialist is $54,827 a year and $26 an hour in Texas, United States. The average salary range for anInstructional technology specialists make $43,402 per year on average, or $20.87 per hour, in the United States. Instructional technology specialists on the No current reports for 'instructional technology support specialist' salaries ; $66,300 /yr. Support Specialist ; $108,724 /yr. Senior Support Specialist ; No A Instructional Designer or Technologist earns a pay level between $39,270 to $105,650 depending on experience and talent. usually get a salary of seventy The base salary for Instructional Technology Specialist ranges from $54,642 to $73,910 with the average base salary of $63,611. The total cash compensation,
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