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Visit the Approved Titles page for a list of all state-reviewed instructional materials with completed rubrics. The rubrics listed below may be fileslib. The review rubrics are organized by content areas and grade levels that were reviewed each year as you scroll down the webpage. Your district/school teams
What are the 4 types of instructional materials? 4 Main Types of Instructional Materials Print Materials.
Instructional Materials Review Rubrics ; 2023-2024 IMR Rubric - ECE Ages Birth to Five, Download ; 2023-2024 IMR Rubric - ELA Intensive Intervention 3-8, Download.
How do you evaluate instructional materials? When evaluating instructional materials consider the extent to which each is interesting, approachable, and engaging . This isn't about materials being “entertaining.” It's about whether it can spark curiosity and promote deeper thinking about the content.
© 2025 Created by Štefan Sládeček.
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