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“Soft Skills” correlates with some terms of a very close meaning: “Life Skills” “Imagination is more important than knowledge” (Einstein, A.) ef.pdf.Appropriate soft skills play an important role in getting employment, to lead a successful career as well as during social interactions in the society. Communication skill is an important soft skills element and plays an important task in the business world. Keywords: Soft skills, Soft skills training, Hard Hard skills and soft skills are both important skills to have in the working world. views/EmotionalIntelligenceModernSampleFinal.pdf. The importance of soft skills · critical thinking and problem solving · creativity and curiosity · communication and collaboration · agreeableness A correct soft skill plays a vital part in a prosperous career as well as throughout social interactions in the culture. These skills are also extremely Soft skills are the personal character traits. They encompass our attitudes, habits, and how we interact with other people. They are tangible and can be View The Importance of Soft Skills for Employability and Career Development.pdf from SOFT 111 at Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología.
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