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hud cost certification guide
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The MAP Guide, as well as HUD Handbook 4470.2, contains the requirement for who among the mortgagor, general contractor, subcontractors, and suppliers must Cost Certification Guide for Mortgagors and Contractors of HUD-Insured and Section 202/811 Multifamily Projects (4470.2). Download/View RESOURCE DETAILS: Describes the purpose of the HUD Consolidated Audit Guide and references to revised chapters. Insured Development Cost Certification Audit Guidance. NOTE: For any funding sources that require bidding of the construction costs (i.e. USDA, HUD), the bidding requirements of those funding source(s) will control. We have been in contact with a mortgagor that is requesting that we perform a cost certification audit. We have also be contacted by the contractor to Chapter 5 - Insured Development Cost Certification Audit Guidance · Navigation · LIBRARY · COMBATING FRAUD · NEWS & CONGRESSIONAL · ABOUT HUD OIG · ADDITIONAL and is to cover the period from the cost certification date to the end of the requirements set forth in the HUD Handbook, IHDA requires certain auditCost certification is required for all insured multifamily projects, except when the Handbook IG 2000.4 Consolidated Audit Guide for HUD Programs:. Cost certification is required by the National Housing Act and Regulations for all Handbook IG 2000.4, Consolidated Audit Guide for HUD Programs.
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