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Cut small and large circles from 1.5 In. in diameter to 52 In. in diameter with the circlet. With the included turn lock base plate, this product is compatible Milescraft 1219 Circle Guide Kit- Router Circle Cutter Jig For Cutting/Routing Small And Large Circles From 1.5in. Up To 52in. Diameter-Includes Bonus Offset CircleGuideKit™ router guide, has two jigs that allow you to cut circles from 1.5” to 52” in diameter. Includes a bonus Offset Base for finishing edges! There is no longer a need for that homemade circle cutting jig, the Circle Guide Kit does it all for you and includes everything you need to cut your desired Milescraft Router Circle Guide Kit ; Small Circle Jig · Cuts circles from 1.5″ to 12″ in diameter ; Large Circle Jig · Cuts circles from 10″ to 52″ in diameter Cut small and large circles from 1.5” in diameter to 52” in diameter with the CircleGuideKit. With the included TurnLock™ base plate, this product is
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