Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
SkateBIRD is a game that's all about birds riding on skateboards (yes, that's right). We'll give you a few tips on how to approach the fileslib. SkateBIRD®. Grind on bendy straws, kickflip over staplers, and carve killer lines through cardboard and sticky tape parks, in SkateBIRD!
Saktebird tutorial on how to manual? we take a look at the skatebird manual controls and how Duration: 0:44 Posted:
Simply press the ollie button again after getting some height with the first one, preferably at the apex of the jump, to send the birb flying
Complete missions by learning the skatebird controls and full timer) 2:30 Manual 2:52 Duration: 5:52 Posted:
© 2025 Created by Štefan Sládeček.
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