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word but a different meaning and sometimes a different pronunciation. E.g. cricket bat, vampire bat; bow of a ship, bow to the audience. Heteronym (US only) A word that has the same spelling as another word but a different pronunciation and a different meaning. E.g. a sandy desert, don't desert me; tears in her eyes, tears up the paper. Homophone homophones and their meanings (e.g., chilly, cold and chili, hot pepper). 6. Peer evaluation V. 007 Word Knowledge Homophone Go Fish Extensions and Adaptations Make other homophone and meaning cards to play game. Match homophones in a memory game. "I have 'chilly' which is spelled c-h-i-l-l-y. It means cold." homophone chilly meaning cold File: All file of the disk has a different name. § The door won't fit; you'll have to file it down: Fall: The leaves fall in autumn. Rain was falling. Fly: Fly has 6 legs. I want to fly in the sky. Put: Put the shoe on the right foot: Put your best foot forward: Letter: The letter is ready for the post: There are 26 letters in the English Homophones Worksheet 6 File 174.3KB PDF document Uploaded 5/12/19, 16:48. Homophones Worksheet 7 File 173.9KB PDF document Uploaded 5/12/19, 16:49. Homophones Worksheet 8 File 174.2KB PDF document Uploaded 5/12/19, 16:51. Previous Section Conjunctions Next Section Number of Nouns (Singular and Plural) Homophones Games (FREEBIE) This set of 4 free homophones games requires students to use the homophones in a sentence to show mastery of the meaning. This no prep product is loads of fun and requires only a die and counters.Players roll a die to see how many spaces to move on the game board. Homonyms are words that are spelled the same (like homographs) and pronounced alike (like homophones), but are relatively different in meaning. The root "-hym" simply means word or name. But since a homonym can be used to describe a homograph or a homophone, this can be quite confusing for most people to analyze. List of Homophones/Homonyms List of Homophones Homonym Words Homonym Words accessary, accessory lead, led ad, add leak, leek ail, ale lean, lien air, heir lessen, lesson aisle, I'll, isle levee, levy all, awl liar, lyre allowed, aloud licence, license alms, arms licker, liquor altar, alter lie, lye arc, ark lieu, loo aren't, aunt links, lynx ate, eight lo, low Homophones Examples. Meaning. Examples. Brake. To brake is to slow something down. Use the parking brake to keep the car from rolling backward. Break. To break is to shatter something into pieces. If you don't hold the vase firmly you might drop it and it will break. Hence, in this article, we have come up with a list of Homophones with examples. The Homonyms list provided here contains 400 plus English Homophone words. Along with the homonyms list, candidates will get sample questions on homophones and the list of Homophones in PDF Format for convenient preparation. List of Homophones:-Download PDF Here incite urge insight intuition its possessive pronoun it's it is kernel seed colonel officer knead work dough need desire knew past of know new not old Homophone Reference List to too two meet meat eight ate threw through ceiling sealing piece peace side sighed herd heard hire higher weather whether pair pear bare bear cent sent there they're their be bee break brake due dew do hall haul know no made maid nose knows flew flu flower flour cereal serial hour our lesson lessen die dye blew blue PDF | Homo
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