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Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Page 1. Revised: June 2006. INTRODUCTION. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (CSL), the first communicants, the Priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., Guidelines for the Distribution of Holy Communion during Masshe Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (CSL), the first document promulgated at Vatican II, reaffirmed that Christ is always present in. Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Shrine of the True Cross Church. 3. Revised 02/10. INTRODUCTION. Each of us by our baptism has This is an awesome ministry that allows you to build a profound intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord. You get to be the one to feed. God's children with the very 29. All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which The general qualifications of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are that: a) they should manifest a devotion to the Eucharist in both their public and. Learning Outcome 1.2: Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) are called forth from their parish communities to serve in this ministry because of The Guidelines which follow outline the norms for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in the Archdiocese of New York. They are an. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “The Eucharist is a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father, a blessing by which the Church expresses her
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