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The pump settings and operating condition are indicated by in- dicator lights. Fig. 2. MQ 3-35. MQ 3-45. Enclosure class. IP 54. Insulation class.MQ. Installation and operating instructions. GRUNDFOS INSTRUCTIONS The on/off button can also be used for manual resetting of an alarm condition:. MQ. GRUNDFOS INSTRUCTIONS. Installation and operating instructions The on/off button can also be used for manual resetting in. If the suction lift is 10 ft, the length of the suction pipe must not exceed 72 ft. MQ 3-35. MQ 3-45. Maximum flow rate [gpm]. 22. Maximum inlet pressure [psi]. 47.MQ, RMQ. MQ. 50/60 Hz. Clamp. Pos. Description/kit No TM055951. (until week 4, 2009). Service Kit Catalogue. 47. 917. MQ, RMQ
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