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dered. The Green Chemistry approach of "benign by design" should, when applied at the design stage, help assure the sustainability of new products across their full lifecycle and minimize the number of mistakes we make. 1.1 Green Chemistry and Environmentally Friendly Technologies Fig. 1.1-6 Green Chemistry in the lifecycle of a product. Global Market Value of Green Chemistry: The global market for . green chemistry, which includes: Bio-based chemicals, renewable feedstocks, green polymers and less-hazardous chemical formulations, are projected to grow from $11 billion in 2015 to nearly $100 billion by 2020. The market size of the green chemistry industry is worldwide in 2015 Sustainable development is now accepted as a necessary goal for achieving societal, economic and environmental objectives. Within this chemistry has a vital role to play. The chemical industry is successful but traditionally success has come at a heavy cost to the environment. The challenge for chemists and others is to develop new products, processes and services that achieve societal University and the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. From 2004-2006, Paul Anastas was the Director of the Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, DC. Until June 2004 he served as Assistant Director for Environment at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where his responsibilities Green Chemistry Challenge Awards; Canada: The Canadian Green Chemistry Medal is an annual award given to any individual or group for promotion and development of green chemistry; Italy: Green Chemistry activities in Italy centre on inter-university consortium known as INCA. In 1999, INCA has given three awards annually to industry for become known as 'Green Chemistry' [1-9] or 'Sustainable Technology' necessi-tates a paradigm shift from traditional concepts of process efficiency, that focus Prevention is better than cure (the first principle of green chemistry, outlined above). An alternative term, that is currently favored by the chemical industry, is Sus- alternative green and sustainable technologies. Green Chemistry is at the frontiers of this what would you like to know about green chemistry? In 2019, the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation At the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), a laboratory run by the Process Intensification, Modeling, Simulation, ability to provide green chemistry metrics at scientists' fingertips within their primary workspace. Green Chemistry Frontiers Green chemistry is a drive portal/PublicWebSite/ for continuous improvement, and as such there continues to be opportunities for research, engagement and collaboration. Recognising that the fundamentals of green chemistry The approach of Green chemistry provides environmentally friendly way to replace harmful solvents and technologies, so prevent pollution 2-4. Green Chemistry concept . The green chemistry has emerged as research program in the US which arises from collaborative efforts of university unit, self-governing research The term green chemistry was first used in 1991 by P. T. Anastas in a special program launched by the US Envi-ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement sustain-able development in chemistry and chemical technology by industry, academia and government. In 1995 the annual US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge was announced. conference is "Green Chemi
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