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Remove the cap of the jar of wax and heat it in a microwave for about 30 seconds. Use a large applicator to break up the surface of the wax. Return to microwave Contains: 1 oz Hair Removal Wax; Spatula; Instructions. Directions: Read enclosed instructions before using.Test for heat as instructed to ensure wax is not PREP & HEAT: Remove cap and plastic disc from wax jar. Place jar in the center of a microwave-safe plate. Heating time varies with each microwave. Heat for 301 Reusable Spatula; Instructional Booklet. Directions: Read enclosed instructions before using.Test for heat as instructed to ensure wax is not too hot. Do not GiGi - Microwave Tweezeless Wax - Facial Hair Remover - 1 oz: HOW TO APPLY: Until using, read the enclosed instructions. To ensure that the wax is not too
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