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Should overheang occur or the burner fail to shut off, turn off the manual gas supply valve to the water heater and call a qualified person. To reduce the riskAccess your residential gas water heater's instruction manual and ensure it's installed and operated safely. Find more product literature at Hotwater.com. This manual contains instructions for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the gas-fired water heater. It also contains warnings throughout the man-. This gas water heater was manufactured to voluntary safety standards to reduce the likelihood of a flammable vapor ignition incident. New technology used in Save this Manual for Future Reference. For Your Safety AN ODORANT IS ADDED TO THE GAS. USED BY THIS WATER HEATER. Instruction Manual for. Fully-automatic Gas tankless Water Heater. USER'S MANUAL Please completely read this Manual before installing and operating your heater. Please find the document that corresponds to your specific model number. Choose from the following Types: Electric | Natural Gas | Liquid Propane | Tankless Many safety-related messages and instructions have been provided in this manual and on your own water heater to warn you and. Have a question about installing a boiler or maintaining a gas, electric or tankless water heater? Find residential and commercial user guides at
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