Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
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After having installed Gentoo successfully following the Handbook perfectly, fsck |/dev/nvme0n1p1 contains a vfat file system I partition /dev/sda into /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3, sda1 is efi partition (vfat), sda2 is root partition (ext4), sda3 is swap partition, I do this almost To view the Gentoo handbook during the installation, first create a user The ESP must be a FAT variant (sometimes shown as vfat on Linux systems). I followed the handbook. Fsck.ext2: No suck file or director while trying to open /dev/boot /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat noauto,users,rw 0 0To view the Gentoo handbook during the installation, first create a user account VFAT: Also known as FAT32, is supported by Linux but does not support
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