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frankford arsenal rotary tumbler litefrankford arsenal tumbler review
The Frankford Arsenal® Rotary Case Tumbler Lite is the compact version of the Platinum Series Rotary Tumbler. This tumbler can hold up to 300 pieces of .223 The Frankford Arsenal Rotary Tumbler delivers a whole new level of brass cleaning performance. The wet tumbler drums hold up to 1000 pieces of .223 brass. Frankford arsenal rotary tumbler instructions Frankford Arsenal Case Tumbler Manual Rough Terrain crane GROVE RT630 Hydraulic and electrical.ROTARY TUMBLER. Product #909567. Instructions #1046708. Care & Usage Instructions. Contents: 1 - tumbler drum. 1 - motorized roller base. 2 - end caps. First Step: Frankford recommends tumbling brass that has not been deprimed. Dump in your dirty brass, fill the drum with water to the bottom of the mouth
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