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Fppc manuals

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It is available online at The question in the FPPC manual reads: "What if I have not received an invoice from the vendor yet?" And the FPPC answer, of For detailed information on campaign reporting requirements and the Information Practices Act of 1977, see the FPPC Campaign Disclosure Manual for your type of committee. Fillable Form 501. If you still have questions, you can ask the FPPC for advice. FPPC Advice Email: FPPC Advice Phone: 866-275-3772 Lobbyist/Lobbying Firm. A lobbyist is an individual who is compensated to communicate directly with any state, legislative or agency official to influence legislative or administrative action on behalf of his or her employer or client. An individual who receives reimbursement only for reasonable travel expenses is not a lobbyist. A lobbying firm is a business that is compensated to communicate 1 CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE INFORMATION MANUAL PRIMARY ELECTION March 3, 2020 Prepared by: Office of the County Clerk-Recorder 1055 Monterey St Ste D120 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 805-781-5228 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FPPC Campaign Rules. California law closely regulates various aspects of political campaigns. Visit the Fair Political Practices Commission's website for information about: Campaign Finance Filing Deadlines. Campaign Reporting Forms / Manuals. Fast Facts - FAQs & Where to File Campaign Finance Reports. Donor Disclosure for Multi-Purpose the FPPC Manual. Rather than repeating the information included in the FPPC Manual, however, this manual will address the additional City rules that govern your activities as a City candidate, including the City laws that are more stringent that the state's laws. This manual is not meant to serve as a substitute for the actual provisions in CAMPAIGN INFORMATION. If any questions or concerns please call: (559) 600-VOTE or (559) 600-8683. The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) provides Campaign Disclosure Manuals for candidates and committees. We strongly recommend you review these manuals and contact FPPC with any questions you may have regarding the schedule and filing forms. Fair Political Practices Commission Introduction - 2 Lobbying Manual November Lobbying Advice The FPPC provides advice on questions about reporting activity expenses, as well as general reporting rules the Act and FPPC regulations require. All forms are filed with the California Secretary of State. This Candidate Manual is designed to help City candidates and their committees understand and comply with the City's campaign laws. It is intended to serve as a supplement to the State of California Fair Political Practices Commission's [FPPC] Campaign Disclosure Manual 2 (for local candidates), which can be obtained at For State and Local candidates, visit the Fair Political Practices Commission. For Federal candidates, visit the Federal Election Commission. California Secretary of State - CalAccess - Campaign Finance . When to File Campaign Statements: State & Local Filing Schedules. All FPPC Forms ( All FPPC Manuals ( the FPPC Manual. Rather than repeating the information included in the FPPC Manual, however, this manual will address the additional City rules that govern your activities as a City candidate, including the City laws that are more stri


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