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CHAPTER 20 SECURITIES CHAPTER 21 REPATRIATION OF INVISIBLE EARNINGS OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE CHAPTER 22 RETURNS OF ALL FOREIGN EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS APPENDICES APPENDIX - I FOREIGN EXCHANGE REGULATION ACT, 1947 APPENDIX - II NOTIFICATIONS ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER FOREIGN EXCHANGE REGULATION ACT, 1947 (VII OF 1947) APPENDIX - III 20. Bank Charges and Sundries. 21. Purchase of Tender Forms from abroad. 22. (i) Registration of Patents and Trade Marks in Foreign Countries. (ii) Registration of Exporters of Pharmaceutical products in Foreign Countries. 23. Remittances of Annual Budgeted Operating Expenses of Marketing/Liaison/ Representative Offices formed Abroad. 24. This chapter deals with the regulations governing exports from Pakistan. (ii) The Incoterms introduced by ICC for exports to provide a set of international rules to avoid uncertainty of different interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade may be adopted.1 2. Exports exempted from Foreign Exchange Regulations. chapter 20 of the Foreign Exchange Manual to facilitate Start-ups, FinTech and Exports. SBP, after approval of the Federal Government, has introduced three new categories of investment abroad under its revised policy governing equity investment abroad and banks have been authorized to allow remittancesunder newly introduced categories. Exchange brokers are, however, not authorised to deal in foreign exchange and hence they should not purchase or sell foreign exchange from/to public. Compliance with Laws 1.25 Nothing in this Manual authorises any transaction which is contrary to any of the provisions of any statute (including the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973) or any Rule, Notification, Order, Direction or Regulation
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