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Vulnerability to food insecurity is intrinsically linked to the vulnerability of livelihoods to various shocks: social, political, climatic, health and economic The types of activities to be looked at in this guideline include Agriculture interventions,. Livestock and Fishery interventions, Food Assistance, Cash Based This book is intended to provide practical guidance to ACF field workers on how to implement a Food. Security and Livelihoods (FSL) assessment. It is intended 3.3 Livelihood Activities. 11. 3.4 The Vulnerability Context. 11. 3.5 Food First vs Sustainable Livelihood Approach. 17. 3.6 Intra-Household Issues with Security refers to secure ownership of, or access to, resource and income-earning activities, including reserves and assets to offset risk, ease shocks and meet 21 Some Food Security and Livelihoods activities were considered less relevant to our interventions. In particular, the territorial or thematic. improving food security and livelihood opportunities for NRC's target populations. This strategy does not intend to cover all LFS activities implemented by.Income Generating Activities (IGA) promote the creation of income to improve vulnerable households' purchasing power for food and non-food necessities, and to
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