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Pakistan. Public Service Commission, No 1200 / 9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla, +94 11 2 13 6600. +94 11 2 87 6181. info@psc.gov.lk. PART I ADMINISTRATION 2. (1) There shall be a person to be or to act as the Director-General of Intellectual Property of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the "Director-General"). (2) The Director-General shall— (a) be vested with the power of implementation of the provisions of this Act, the control and superintendence of the Grade 6 Catholicism Text Book. Grade 6 Christianity Text Book. Grade 6 Tamil Text Book. Grade 6 Sinhala (Second Language) Text Book. Grade 6 Health & Physical Education Text Book. Grade 6 History Text Book. Grade 6 Information and Communication Technology- ICT Text Book. Grade 6 Islam Text Book. Information and Communication 1 Technology Act , No. 27 of 2003 [Certified on 09th September, 2003] L.D.—O. 7/2003. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY OF SRI LANKA; TO PROVIDE FOR THE SETTING OUT OF A NATIONAL POLICY ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND FOR THE PREPARATION OF PART I 1. This Act may be cited as the Payment of Gratuity Act, No.12 of 1983, and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may appoint, by Order published in the Gazette*. 2. (1) Every employer who has employed a workman on any agricultural land or estate land that vested in the Land Reform Commission by the operation of the Land 1st , 2nd & 3rd Efficiency Bar Examination for Textile Instructor, Grade III/ II/ I in Department of Rural Industries, Eastern Province - 2021. Efficiency Bar Examination for Investigation Officer, Grade III/II/I - 2021. Efficiency Bar Examination for Technical Assistant (Agriculture (Ext)) Grade II/II/I - 2021. 2.2 This Circular Letter should not be regarded as covering industrial classes unless the contrary i s indicated. PART II: PROVISIONS WHICH APPLY GENERALLY Officers on probation 3.1 In the interests of the officer and his Department, special care should be taken in dealing with applications for special leave from offi cers on probation. part in the management of the partnership business unless the partnership agreement provides otherwise. (g) A member of a company who is not also a director is not regarded as an agent of the company, and cannot bind the company by his actions. A partner in a firm is an agent of the firm, which will be bound by his acts. Validity Status (As per Online Coverage) (View Payment Details) Establishment Status (As per EPFO Master) Establishment Details (As per Form 5A submitted Online by the Employer) Units / SubCode Under same Jurisdiction. Other Code Numbers with same Establishment. Branches Without Code. Establishment/s with Same PAN. Additional Information.
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