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Eni acg 6b manually
















Details for ACG 6B Generator by Eni. Contact FabExchange for more information on the ACG 6B Generator for sale. This ACG 6B Generator was manufactured in by Eni. Make: Eni. Model: Electronic Navigation Industries ACG 6. Tool: Generator. ENI ACG-6B RF Generator & MWH-5 RF Match Combo made for Varian Semiconductor. Both the generator and match are tested under load. If you need a Match controller for this unit, see my Ebay store to purchase the compatible ENI RFC-5MW RF Match controller. Varian P/N: E1139300ENI Gen M/N: ACG-6B-06230 (Has 25pin user interface)Input: 100-240VAC The ENI Model Al 50 is designed to amplify signals by 55 dB in the frequency range of .3 to 35 Ivff-lz. The signal from the front panel connector is fed via a length of 50Q coaxial cable to the input of the preamplifier module (A 150-3215). See Reference 1. The signal is amplified by QI , impedance matched by Tl and attenuated by R6,7, and R8. SFI Solutions For Instruments GmbH Kammerfeldstraße 6 85391 Allershausen Tel: +49 8166 38590-0 Fax: +49 8166 38590-20 E-Mail: [email protected] ACG Series 13.56 MHz 300 to 1,000 Watts Air Cooled RF Plasma Generators Power Delivery Mismatched Power Output Worst phase forward power referenced to rating VSWR ACG-3B ACG-6B ACG-10B 1.1:1 300 W 600 W 1000 W 1.5:1 250 W 500 W 1000 W 2.0:1 200 W 400 W 850 W 3.0:1 150 W 300 W 650 W

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