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It offers city leaders advice on how to get started in introducing energy efficiency measures, and provides lessons and examples from successful programs I commend Hotels,. Restaurants & Cafés in Europe (HOTREC) for this outline of how to increase energy efficiency and more sustainable resource use. Making 5 jul 2022 — PDF | In this paper a review of the different contributions realized in the area of historical buildings from the energetic point of view is de R Becqué · 2016 · Citado por 45 — 132 Policy and Project Tools for Building Efficiency Energy Efficiency Governance. iea.org/papers/2010/eeg.pdf; Institute for Building 13 jul 2021 — policies focused on energy efficiency and small-scale renewables. The LIFE Programme is structured in two fields and four sub-programmes ( 16 dic 2016 — Efficiency is achieved through the Rational Use of Energy. The estimated consumption value allows to define the first local reference value of de W Li · Citado por 1 — energy efficiency and pollution prevention and control; This report is part of the OECD work programme on policies to supportThe report also describes the provincial energy conservation programs developed during the last /Rendered/PDF/564160ESW0whit1in0China1s0Provinces.pdf. The Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) responsible for the MTCP Programme in the 7.2 Energy Efficient for Electrical Equipment.
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