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IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU. Maintain continuous pressure on gauze pad placed directly over surgical site for 30 minutes. Rest at home today and keep talking to a Post Operative Care Following Extraction. Leave the gauze in place for at least 1 hour. An icebag or crushed ice in a towel should be applied on the face This was a surgical procedure and tooth needs healing time. Some tenderness and soreness is normal for 5-7 days after procedure. Eat on the back teeth and stickInstructions Following Dental Extractions. Immediately following surgery, maintain pressure on the surgical area by biting down on the provided gauze pad or Eat only soft foods for the first 24 hours. Avoid foods with seeds, popcorn, etc. Avoid chewing in the surgical area until the sutures are removed. Do not brush Care after Scaling & Root Planing. When anesthetic has been used, your lips, teeth, and tongue may be numb for several hours after the appointment. A small filling will be placed to seal the end of the root canal and few stitches or sutures are placed to help the tissue heal. Over a period of months, the Use an ice pack for swelling (10 minutes on 10 minutes off) for the first 24 hours- if you like. If swelling seems to last longer than 3days / 72 hour post
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