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Elephantiasis pdf files

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Elephantiasis is a parasitic disease occurs due to infection by mosquito bites. Lymph vessels are obstructed by worms causing accumulation of lymphatic fluid and enlargement. Many cases of infection are asymptomatic. These asymptomatic infections still cause damage to the lymphatic system and the kidneys. The disease can be managed with drug. Mit diesem doppelten Faszinationswert der Elephantiasis bei Mirbeau ist schließlich auch der Untersuchungsinteresse dieses Kapitels abgesteckt, das sich mit der wohl spektakulärsten Form des Wucherns aus dem Bereich der Tropenmedizin beschäftigt, nämlich den Geschwulsten der Elephantiasis. Im Anschluss an die Überlegungen des vorangegangenen Kapitels zu den Ambivalenzen der tropisch Elephantiasis is a condition characterized by gross enlargement of an area of the body, especially the limbs. Other areas commonly affected include the external genitals. Elephantiasis is caused by obstruction of the lymphatic system, which results in the accumulation of a fluid called lymph in the affected areas. E lephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV) is a disorder related to chronic lymphatic obstruction and may be primary or secondary to infections, surgery, tumor obstruction, radiation, heart failure, and obesity. View 1 excerpt, cites background Elephant leg after treatment for endometrial cancer Joana Moreira-Barros, Kuan-Gen Huang, Tsung-Hsun Tsai Uber Elephantiasis lymphangiectatica eongenita, ein Beitrag zur Lehre yon der Erkrankung der Lymphgef l]e, Yon Dr. E Vollmer, Bad Krouznach. (Hiezu Tar. XII--XV.'i Die Elephantiasis der Haut, wie sie unter der Form der Elephantiasis eruris et genitalium bekannt ist, finder sich nicht so selten, daf] ein einzelner Fall, der nicht besondere Eigen- ttimlichkeiten aufwiese, weitere Aufmerksamkeit Wenn heute als Ergänzung zu der Darstellung von Wirz die seither erzielten Fortschritte des Wissens um die Elephantiasiskrankheit zusammengefaßt werden sollen, so zeigt sich, daß die meisten Forschungsgebiete der allgemeinen Medizin auch auf diesem Background Scrotal lymphedema is rare outside endemic filariasis regions in Africa and Asia. It is of variable origin in the western world. Case presentation We present a case of a 40-year-old European man with massive elephantiasis of the scrotum attributed to chronic inflammation of the lower urinary tract caused by urinary outlet obstruction and diabetes mellitus. The patient underwent The infrequency ofelephantiasis arabum in this country has prompted me torelate twocases Ihave operated uponatthecol-lege clinicfor diseasesofwomen,with theresults of treatment. Case I.—Mrs., aged about thirty; a brunette; is the mother ofseveral healthy children, and,atthe timeofhervisit to theclinic,was in fourthmonthofpregnancy. She walked Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (1.5M), or click on a page image below to browse page by page. 326 Articles from The Hospital are provided here courtesy of Institute of Healthcare Management Full text Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (762K), or click on a page image below to browse page by


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