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Research Interests: Global History, Student Mobility, French Indochina, British Indian Empire, and intellectual mobility. (). Download (.pdf). 18 déc. 2010 — Students Mobility in the Moroccan Transition Context”, directed by Prof. 1997), knowledge and social inclusion process in. “Moving futures: anthropological reflections on academic mobility and precarious life amongst South Asian social scientists in Europe", Indian Anthropologist, 4 mars 2019 — 2018, “Access and Stratification in Nordic Higher Education. 2018, “Seeking the Indian Social Space: A Multidimensional Portrait of the (2010), “Unequal Opportunities: Class, Caste and Social Mobility”, In Diversity and Change in Modern India: Economic, Social and Political Approaches, ed. Heath 18 mars 2010 — Even if India is a caste society, social mobility is not impossible. in higher education and in politics (i.e. special seats are 1 Le contexte économique et social de la planification de F éducation sous la fast growth of the two largest developing countries China and India.His doctoral research focused on a comparative analysis of the experience of upward social mobility in France, in India and in the United-States. 18 oct. 2021 — Education and Upward Socioeconomic Mobility of Children of Migrants in the Chinese Rethinking the Social Dynamics of Migration in China. de F Bolazzi · 2020 — a north Indian village 1958-2015. Floriane Bolazzi. To cite this version: Floriane Bolazzi. Caste, class and social mobility: a longitudinal
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