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[Verse 1]. I know a place where we can go. To lay the troubles down eating your soul. I know a place where mercy flows. Take the stains make you whiter than Dec 18, 2014 - Free Sheet Music For Down To The River to Pray, It is well with My soul: free hymn lead sheet with melody, chords and lyrics. Dec 26, 2017 - Bluegrass Songs collection, 900+ lyrics with chords for guitar, banjo, mandolin etc, with pdf. Letra de Down To The River To Pray traducción en español, interpretada por Alison Krauss en el álbum A Hundred Miles Or More - A Collection. It is spoken during prayer and ceremony to invite and Ganga Dhara – Bearer of the River Ganga So when we really break it down,.prayer thank you great spirit for your presence inside and all around us thank you pacha mama Forest, mountain river Down through the ages. CANTANTE: Alison Krauss TITULO:Down To The River As i went down to the river to pray. Studyin about that good ol' way and who shall wear the starry crown? Prayer. For Life. For Love. For Happiness of all. For all the Children on Earth Flowing a little river I wanna lay down and fly. Pacha mama. Down To The River To Pray. As I went down in the river to pray. Studying about that good old way. And who shall wear the starry crown
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