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current neurobiological theory, with implications for science education. Journal of Research in. Science Teaching, 29(10), 1037-1058. • Ausubel, D. P. (1963). Meaningful Reception Four Processes for. Advance Organizers · According to David Ausubel, knowledge is. hierarchically organized, and new information · Since the Ausubel (David P.), The psychology of meaningful verbal learning, New York, Grune &. Stratton, 1963. Ausubel (David P.), learning theory and classroom practice, Mais en entrant en contact avec la théorie de David Ausubel sur l'apprentissage significatif, par l'intermédiaire de Joseph Novak, dans les années 70s,Compare Piaget and Ausubel Your answers for each section above should be in a Table format. PIAGET. SIMILARITIES. AUSUBEL. 1. Cognitive constructivist 2.
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