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Data Structures Lab Manual - BE II/IV - I Sem DEPT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, MJCET VII Linear Data Structures: The linear data structures as mentioned above are: Arrays, Lists, Stacks, Queues, Dequeues, etc. Stacks: A stack is a data structure in which elements are added to or deleted from a single end called as Top of the stack. structures and algorithms. Data structures are that important; they im-prove our quality of life and even save lives on a regular basis. Many multi-million and several multi-billion dollar companies have been built around data structures. How can this be? If we stop to think about it, we realize that we inter-act with data structures constantly. the implementation, such as data representations and algorithms for implementing the operations, are hidden within the module. This separation of specification from implementati on is a key idea of abstract data types. This laboratory guide is intended to facilitate understanding of the widely used data structures such as lists, trees,
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