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1-3 1-3 Slide Scale | 6th Root Tabs. 1-3 1-3 Slide Scale | 5th Root Tabs. 1-3 1-3 Slide Scale Fretboard PDF. I vi ii V - 1625 Target Notes. I V vi IV - 1564 Target Notes. 2 String Horizontal - Major Scale. 2 String Horizontal - Major Pentatonic Scale. 7th Arpeggio Shapes. For all of these reasons, the harmonic interval (chord change or chord progression) V - I plays the same role in harmony as do melodic intervals 7 - 1 and 2 - 1 in melody. The V - I chord change is the strongest, most natural chord progression in harmony. Just as melodic intervals 7 - 1 and 2 - 1 impart both unrest and direction with 3: E-A-D. If you switch out the D with a B, you get more of a bluesy sounding progression while keeping the D adds a nice major lift. In our examples, we'll leave the D in to achieve that major flavor. Classic, alternative, modern rock and most post-grunge sub-genres use this progression pretty heavily. The chord progression I play in this country piano lesson (A, G, D) is a I bVII IV (I b7, 4) chord progression. You'll find this chord progression in hundred of songs. It comes from the mixolydian mode. 2. If you just take a look at the notes on each individual chord they come from the major pentatonic scale. The chord progressions are arranged into four charts. Parts I and II deal entirely with diatonic chord progressions, while Parts III and IV deal with progressions that use non-diatonic [borrowed] chords. Each progression has a clickable link to a song that uses said progression, and the specific chords in the song are provided. These gospel chord progressions include many stylistic elements of gospel piano playing such as walk ups, walk downs, sus chords, passing chords, and turnarounds. The first example contains the 2, 4, and 5 chords and then moves into a turnaround. You get the I, IV and V of the key (as Elektrik Sixx outlined), and you also get the minors pretty often, at least vi and ii. So, in the key of G (maybe the most popular country key, because it suits fiddles, banjos and mandolins as well as guitar), you would have G, C and D, with Em and Am for extra colour. IV - V - IV - IV. In the key of G: C | D | C | C. It might seem like a boring chord progression at first glance, but R.E.M. really made it their own in the intro and verse sections of "Man On The Moon.". In this song, the transition from C to D and back to C kind of plays like a key change. You can use the chords from the 'I-IV-V' progression above to build 12 Bar Blues progressions in all Major Keys. Here it is in the key of C Major: iim7 - V7 - Imaj7 The 'Two - Five - One' progression is a staple in Jazz music. I - V - vi - IV The 'One - Five - Six - Four' progression is massively popular in modern Pop music. I - vi - IV - V F - Dm7 - F/A - Bb. Sometimes all you need to do to create a sad chord progression is just use a major key signature and a single minor chord. The chord progression outlined above does exactly that. Also by being so simple, it allows us, guitarists, to add our own melodies to make it even more emotional. This one uses the minor vi and the minor iii. It sounds really moody, ominous and sad. You can stay on those two chords, alternating back and forth. Or you c
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