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resource list of books, articles, technical reports, videos, CDs and web sites on coral reef science and management. This resource list also provides the WORLD ATLAS OF CORAL REEFS context. The maps in this book thus show major natural features (forests, rivers, topography and bathymetry), but. This is a Literacy for Anywhere level 4 book. A coral reef is a like an underwater city. reefs. Even the coral are like buildings full of small. Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by volunteers. About Coral Reefs - NOAA Coral Reef Information System NOAA's Coral Reef Coral Reef Book.indd Coral Reef Alliance . Coral reefs, known as the. "rainforests of the sea", are home to 25 percent of all fish species. Yet some scientists predict they could disappear by 2050. Reef-forming corals, the primary species that secrete the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) matrix of coral reefs, are members of the class Anthozoa. All anthozoans are
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