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NOTE: Please refer to the Conners 3 Manual for exceptions that may alter the Total Symptom Count. ADHD lnattentive ADH D Hyperactive-lmpulsive. Required Score For information on SEM, see the Conners 3 Manual. DSM-IV-TR Symptom Scales: Detailed Scores. The following table summarizes the results of the teacher's and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and items from the Conners 3 Content Scales The Conners 3 provides a scoring feature that. See the Conners 3 Manual for information on interpreting discrepancies. T-scores: Comparison across Raters. The following graphs display the T-score results for The Conners 3rd Edition–Parent (Conners 3–P) is an assessment tool used to obtain the parent's observations about the youth's behavior. The Conners 3 now provides a scoring option for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition™ (DSM-5™) Symptom Scales. The Conners 3 includes three Validity scales: the Positive. Impression (PI), Negative Impression (NI), and Incon- sistency Index (IncX) scales. By: Jacqueline Munroe EDPS 660 Conners 3 is a multi-informant Scoring feature link assessment result to areas of disability eligibility (IDEA, 2004).
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