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Most violence experienced within South Sudan in 2011-2012 appears to be related to deeper problems of lack of governance, security and rule of law, as well as poor economic opportunity, especially in rural and pastoralist regions, rather than new tensions around independence. The All parties to the conflict have committed acts of rape and other forms of sexual violence against women of different ethnic groups. Over one million South Sudanese have been displaced by the conflict. CRS Report R42774, Sudan and South Sudan: Current Issues for Congress and U.S. Policy, by Lauren Ploch Blanchard. 4 Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, December 22, 2013. A perfect example of this is the Sudanese conflict, which ended through a negotiated political settlement through the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005. The current Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan is also an attempt to end the civil war in South Sudan through a negotiated settlement. A State of Disunity: Conflict Dynamics in Unity State, South Sudan, 2013-15 By Jérôme Tubiana PATTERNS OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND INTER-GROUP RELATIONS A CASESTUDY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN FROM 2011-2014 Conflict in South Sudan and Challenges Ahead Congressional Research Service 1 Overview South Sudan emerged in 2011 as the world's newest country, and as one of its least developed. After almost 40 years of war between the Sudan government and southern insurgents, southern Sudanese voted in a January 2011 referendum to secede from Sudan. government and rebels, and among different tribes in South Sudan (If your students have questions about this, you can show this short video from NPR: "Why is there Conflict in South Sudan"). Remind students that these various conflicts between north and south Sudan, and north Sudan and Darfur, have led to waves of migration out of the country. security in South Sudan, as reflected in their understanding of the conflict. In the case of the former, the influx of South Sudanese refugees into northern Uganda has echoes of the previous war between the government in Khartoum and a number of rebel groups operating around the South Sudan, barring all States from providing weapons to the country until May 2019 (see Council resolution 2428 (2018)). 10. The conflict in South Sudan became the largest source of displacement in Africa, with 4.3 million people displaced, of whom 1.84 million were internally displaced Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS): Addressing the Challenges to Power Sharing No. 17 • February 1, 2019 Executive Summary This brief critically analyses the R-ARCSS (signed on September 12, 2018 to 'end' the 2013-2018 South Sudanese civil war) and explores options for finding enduring peace in the country. The relationship between humanitarian relief and the current conflict in South Sudan tends to be understood in terms of a series of pressing present problems. Humanitarians, interested in carrying out their day-to-day work in South Sudan, have focused on issues such as denials of access, violence against luka biong deng explores the divergent impacts of the war on the social capital of southern sudanese communities.21he finds that where the conflict was endogenous (for example in gogrial, where the gos counterinsurgency set dinka groups against one another), social capital is reduced, but where the violenc
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