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Applying Gestalt Approaches to Coaching. 4. Applying positive psychology to coaching. 5. Applying transpersonal psychology to coaching. Beginning with an examination of the importance and types of motivation, Chapter 6 describes the philosophies and tools of motivational interviewing for (Chapter 5), Sport Psychology (Chapter 6) and Training and Fitness and Fitness Testing (Chapter 7) to devise a coach's manual for educating players.A comprehensive guide to wellness coaching complete with specific examples and scenarios. It helps train wellness coaches - in the techniques and concepts What are 7 things that coaches do in the Planning phase of MI? 1) Dream to envision desired future 2) Explore client's intension with motivation and meaning 3 Amplified reflections: Maximize or minimizes what the clients say in order to evoke disagreement with them in the direction of change talk. Coaches should use
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