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Refer to owners manual for additional instructions. 1. With the high speed needle at 114 turns open the engine should run at w.o.t. at a slightly richer. Manual de Servi§o - Walbro Manual de Serviço - Walbro Gaima Carburettor / Carburador / Carburador Walbro Diaphragm type / Walbro tipo diafragma.As diverse as the Walbro diaphragm carburetor line has become, producing a manual to detail the repair of each specific Walbro carburetor would be. SERVICE MANUAL. WALBRO Idle Adjustment Needle: Fine tunes inner idle needle. The WYJ carburetor has two idle adjustment design options. SERVICE MANUAL. WALBRO. NEWS. ANNNNN. ANUNUN. 10. 36 18. O. +37. 18. 11-13. Rel. No. Part Name. Ring - Screen Retainer. Ring. Throttle Shaft. Ring - Packing. All manual are in pdf format - Chainsaw Carburetors & Trimmer and Blower Carburetors.
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