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The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue By Geoffrey Chaucer Here bygynneth the Book of the tales of Caunterbury Whan that Aprille with his shour e s soot e, The droghte of March hath perc e d to the root e, And bath e d every veyne in swich licóur Of which vertú engendr e d is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swet e breeth canterbury-tales-the-prologue-chart-pdf 1/1 Downloaded from vendors.metro.net on September 28, 2022 by guest Canterbury Tales The Prologue Chart Pdf As recognized, adventure as well as experience roughly lesson, amusement, as skillfully as understanding can be gotten by just checking out a ebook canterbury tales the prologue chart pdf In the portraits that we will see in the rest of the General Prologue, the Knight and Squire represent the military estate. The clergy is represented by the Prioress (and her nun and three priests), the Monk, the Friar, and the Parson. The other characters, from the wealthy Franklin to the poor Plowman, are the members of the laity. CHARCTERS IN THE PROLOGUE •The Narrator - The narrator makes it quite clear that he is also a character in his book. Although he is called Chaucer, we should be wary of accepting his words and opinions as haucer [s own. In the General Prologue, the narrator presents himself as a gregarious and naïve character. Later on, the Host accuses him "The Prologue" Notes - projectable/reproducible. 5. Direct and Indirect Characterization Chart- for students to keep track of examples of characterization as they read. These will be used for the Character Chart Assignment (below). 6. Vocabulary Terms chart 7. Character Chart Assignment 8. Chivalry Essay Assignment 9. In "The Prologue," the introduction to The Canterbury Tales,Chaucer offers a vivid portrait of English society during the Middle Ages. Among his 30 characters are clergy, aristocrats, and commoners. Chaucer employs a dramatic structure similar to Boccaccio's The Decameron—each pilgrim tells a tale. Directions: As you read The Canterbury Tales you will be completing Note-Taking and Summarizing Charts to help you remember the events of each tale. As you read, complete the chart using bullet points or phrases, as shown in the sample chart below from the Knight's Tale. Once you have completed the four categories for Summary, Characters, The canterbury tales character chart Character # 4The parsonthe Parson, unlike rider, is a very estimated figure in the general prologue. He is patient, virtuous and an 160d084f209f82---fobipex.pdf 91474037088.pdf 44181280144.pdf resumen del capitulo 7 del diablo de los numeros Chaucer's Prologue to The Canterbury Tales - A summary Geoffrey Chaucer, the man responsible for the spreading and development of Middle. English dialect was not just a poet but was a courtier, philosopher, astronomer etc. Hoǁeǀer, the father of EŶglish literature is kŶoǁŶ reŵeŵďered todaLJ for his ǁork ͞The CaŶterďurLJ Tales͟ ǁhiĐh has ŵore thaŶ seǀeŶteeŶ thousaŶd The narrator (a constructed version of Chaucer himself) is first discovered staying at the Tabard Inn in Southwark (in London), when a company of twenty-nine people descend on the inn, preparing to go on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. After talking to them, he agrees to join them on their pilgrimage. Yet before the narrator goes any further in the Canterbury Tales General Prologue Characters.
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