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Thanks for your purchase of kdgarden Outdoor 20'x10' Carport Canopy! be prepared within a week and are shipped from factory direct to your door. Jul 17, 2017 — Lay out the tubing and connector pieces at the construction location. · Slide the tubing and connector pieces together. · Assemble the six leg-10x20 canopy instructions pdf10x20 6 leg canopy instructions10x20 8 leg canopy instructionsmenards 10x20 canopy instructions10x20 all purpose canopy instructions model 31757rt brand 10x20 all-purpose canopy model 31757People also search forNov 5, 2010 — 10' x 20' 2-in-1 SuperMAX Canopy & Enclosure Kit - 8 Leg - White are available from the factory, including anchoring kits for nearly any. Jul 10, 2009 — Celebration ii DeCoratiVe CanoPY assembly instructions. DesCriPtion. MoDel #. 10' x 20' Celebration II Decorative Canopy - 8 Leg - Blue. Apr 8, 2010 — Insert each anchor (10431) into the ground until the round head is touching the base foot. These anchors prevent the canopy from shifting. May 13, 2010 — 3-IN-1 MAX AP CANOPY & ENCLOSURE & EXtENSION KIt and accessories are available from the factory, including anchoring kits for nearly any. Aug 4, 2009 — 10' x 20' MAX AP Canopy - 6 Leg - White Please read instructions COMPLETELY before assembly. This shelter MUST be securely anchored.
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