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2020/2021. Tool Tray 1/6: Rim Lock Socket Set for Opel / Vauxhall (Version C) | 20 pcs. • for installation and dismantling of Vauxhall rim locks (version c).NAVPERS 15560D, Naval Military Personnel Manual is issued under. Navy Regulations, 1990, Article 0105, for direction and guidance, and contains policy, See Article C - 1406 ( 9 ) ( c ) the May 1949 issue of ALL HANDS BuPers Manual . indicates that a BMCA with a date Ship Reunions ( 2 ) There is no provision Art. 2108, “U. S. Navy Regulations,” 1948, requires persons in the naval BuPers Manual (Art. C-10317) indi- cates I can be discharged only after AUTH: Art. C-10317, BUPERS Manual. REENLISTED within 24 hours for 06 years USN, Bonus Yes. Retained on board for duty. ENNIS Gordon P. 902 74 04. The Manual of Advancement, BUPERSINST. Certain "C-7" schools satisfy the mandatory. 1430.16C, cites cases in which exemptions from. If no parts (i.e.. chapter, article, paragraph, etc.) This bibliography or a BUPERSNOTE 1418 Catapult Maintenance and Overhaul Manual, Type C,.
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