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Bendix service bulletin no. 583
















INDEX OF MANUALS, BULLETINS, AND SERVICE INFORMATION LETTERS FOR RS/RSA FUEL INJECTION Page 4 15-895V 4. RS/RSA Service Bulletin Index: No. Date Rev. Amend: Date Subject RS * 1 7-26-62 Nozzle Shields RS * 2 8-23-62 Idle Link Pins RS * 3 11-21-62 Manual Mixture Control Modification RS * 4 12-26-62 In-line Fuel Strainer BENDIX IGNITION SWITCHES: Amendment 39-2575 as amended by Amendment 39-3024. Applies to all aircraft employing magnetos and using Bendix accordance with Bendix Service Bulletin No. 583, dated April 1976.) Amendment 39-2575 was effective April 14, 1976. This amendment 39-3024 is effective August 30, 1977. Close. Title: 76-07-12 Author: Created Date: 1/16/2019 2:12:28 PM Unison I ndustries MANDATORY Service Bulletin No. SB2­08A is reprint ed in its entirety as follows. Lycoming requires compliance with all elements of this Service Bulletin and with the additional notes listed below. This reprint is current at the time Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 583A is issued. Airworthiness Directives; BENDIX IGNITION SWITCHES: Applies To All Aircraft Employing Magnetos and Using Bendix Ignition Switches . PDF Copy (If Available): (primary circuit) should be grounded in accordance with Bendix Service Bulletin No. 583, dated April 1976.) Amendment 39-2575 was effective April 14, 1976. S.B. 509 Aeroquip Service Bulletin No. AA135, "601 Hose Assemblies" S.I. 1464 Aeroquip Service Bulletin No. AA91, "Hose Line Problems" S.I. 1002 Air Filters, Carburetor, Proper Maintenance S.B. 373 Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 566, "S-1200 Distributor Block & Gear Change" (Refer to Supplement No. 1 to ,equired which r repetitive inspection of the Bendix ignition switch, as described in Service Bulletin (SB) No. 583, to detect possible malfunction. (NYC82FNA13) AD 76-07-12, effective August 1977, requires inspection of Bendix switches identified in SB No. 583 every 100 hours. Teledyne Continental Mandatory SB No. 636 ,dugust date A 1992 service and each 100 hours thereafter to detect possible switch malfunction: (a) Observing regular ground run-up procedures, allow the engine to reach operating temperatures and accordance with Bendix Service Bulletin No. 583, dated April 1976.) Amendment 39-2575 was effective April 14, 1976. This amendment 39-3024 is effective August 30 INDEX OF MANUALS, BULLETINS, AND SERVICE INFORMATION LETTERS FOR RS/RSA FUEL INJECTION Page 4 15-895 Revision AK * - Obsolete 4. RS/RSA Service Bulletin Index: No. Date Rev. Amend: Date Subject RS 62 4-15-81 2 RS-10 Series Mixture Control Shaft Modification (AD 81-03-05) RS 72 11-15-80 RS-10ED1 New Ball valve and Seat This site also has Factory issued Service Bulletins, pictures of Great Lakes in flight, maintenance information, airplanes for sale, and links to Great Lakes owners, and a Yahoo chat group. (primary circuit) should be grounded in accordance with Bendix Service Bulletin No. 583, dated April 1976.) Amendment 39-2575 was effective April 14, 1976. Re: Slick Magneto Service Bulletins. Update of one service bulletin to include more mags a new one as well. Attached Files. SB637 Reprint Slick Champion SB1-19_0.pdf (3.22 MB, 184 views) SB622A Reprint Slick Champion.pdf (1.60 MB, 164 views) Steve Pierce. Support Short Wing Click Here To Find Out More. Prestolite Service Bulletin No. ASM-8 (Alternator Fan Replacement) PA-24, PA-30: Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 566 (Reference Avco Lycoming Service Bulletin 373, Dated March 22, 1974) 7/7/75


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