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Jan 17, 2021 — Price Match Baby Shops In Australia Sleigh Cot Ends Assemble Instructions Next: Babyworth Cot Drawer Assemble Instructions Baby direct sleigh cot: I was gifted the baby direct sleigh cot but no instructions and I think some of the screws are missing as we can'tBEFORE THE CHILD CAN SIT UP. * Follow the manufacturer's assembly instructions in detail to ensure the safety features of the cot are not compromised. NOTES: 1) Insert the Barrel nut with the screwdriver slot at the bottom and ensure that it is aligned with the holes in the end of the Base side rail.8 pages This cot has been designed for a child up to 25kg. Do not leave your child unattended when the dropside is in the lower position. RECOMMENDED MATTRESS SIZE:
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