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Navigation information is contained in a separate handbook. Passage of Obstacles. 416. Every obstacle presents a separate problem. The patrol commander shouldThe Army Dress Manual states that: "Australian traditions should be fostered and long existing customs should not be lightly discarded" [para 202(f)]. Royal Australian signals detachment commander's handbook. Role, responsibilities and allocation of Australian Army Catering Corps -- Australian Army Over the course of two short videos Sergeants Ryan, Palmer and Herbert explain the basics of conventional navigation. Below are a collection of components to assist you in Navigation : Map Reading & Navigation Presentation (SES) AAC Navigation Handbook AAC Navigation (CUO) It must be emphasised that Map Reading and Navigation, like all skills, needs to be practised. Information in this Manual can be learned in theory but requires Apply First Aid Workbook V111201 Cadet Instructors Handbook Cadet Qualities 2005 Cadet Instructors Handbook Cadet Instructors Handbook Navigation 2005.
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