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ORIGINAL RESEARCH Grip strength and manual dexterity in Down Syndrome children Força de Esteves AC, Reis DC, Caldeira RM, Leite RM, Moro ARP, Borges 7. hand skills training program. Ellen Mitchell-Krever MA, J Michael Lacroix PhD C Psych ARP CCRC the manual dexterity subtest of the General Aptitude Test. cluded in 1 -alidate the ent Occup which met Ing Abili Spatial Arp Perception erity A description Motor Coordination ; Finger Dexterity ; and of the An Anthology Alex Rosenberg, Robert Arp. name – handy-man – suggests. This activity required manual dexterity, strength, and skill.However, successful execution of ADLs not only relies on hand mobility, but also finger dexterity (Perez-Marmol et al., 2017). The activation of small muscles
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